
A major part in chosing who you trust to be your health and fitness expert will come down to their track record. I take pride in the hard work I put into my clients and below is where they get a chance to say how they felt about their time training with me. First and foremost they all got results with me so they are defininetly going to mention that, but what is more important is how they felt about the whole experience. I hope that you enjoy their stories.

A trim and fit Mel! Trim and Fit

A trim and fit Mel!

A Totally Committed Mel B Gets in Shape

They call her Scary Spice Girl for a reason. When it comes to her fitness she is firece. Mel B would takle anything that I put in front of here with out hesitation. He daily goal was to always push harder than the day before and she woudl follow through on that goal. I have to say that she is one very determined women.  

– Mel B – Cam's Great!

Me and Cam at the end of the program. Program Completed!

Me and Cam at the end of the program.

Men's Health Standard

Larry is a very dedicated person when he puts his mind to it. With a career spanning decades he certainly knows what comittment is. Coming into his tranformation he had some very clear goals which were his motivated. All I had to do was make sure the plan was water tight. Every day we woud monitor where he was at and make changes accordingly to how he was feeling and performing. He was absolutely great to work with. 

 Larry  Cam has a very structured plan to follow. All i had to do was follow it!


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